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Djahari has an intrinsic understanding of how to speak without speaking... She creates the story, then lets it go, a spirit left to hover about us after the dancers themselves are long gone.

Jareeda Magazine

I sat there the entire time breathless, my jaw agape, and feeling that pure childlike wonder that is too often a rarity these days…


Djahari highlights a sensuality that is strong yet distinctly feminine.

​New York Backstage

 Musée des Femmes plumbs the psyche of historical and mythological dames, rendering them beings we can relate to: misunderstood, flawed, and human.

New York Flavorpill

The audience spends Act 1 feeling uncomfortably implicated in the tortures underscoring the stunning beauty and skill of Djahari’s choreography — this spectacle has fangs.

LA Weekly

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